Hello Ladies and Gentlemen and welcome to
the Inspire Halton Update feed, working you to greater feats for yourself and those you love.
There’s a famous Native American legend
regarding two dogs.
One of them is good and one is evil.
The good one is the one who accomplishes
things, who makes others smile and laugh, who earns you a meaningful life.
These tend to be harder things for us to consistently do.
The other helps you procrastinate, complain
and say mean things. These tend to be easy traps for us to fall into.
Each day, these two dogs fight. The battle
is fierce, each one vying for superiority.
Know who wins?
That’s right − the one you choose to.
Each day, we wrestle with the worst and
best within ourselves. And it can be tough to let the good win
out - to forgive, to continually do good work. If it were easy, we’d all be saints.
But it’s easy to eat a cookie − or three −
and seek revenge for that slip-up at work last year.
We must make the choice between what is
easy and what is right, what will benefit us in the long run and what is nice
to do now.
The dog’s battle rages everyday from the
second you wake up to the moment you go to bed. Only you know the outcome because
only you can control it.
Choose wisely which side you pick.
Alex H.

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