Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Holding a Lightning Conductor in a Storm

Tuesday, May 28th 2013
We all have days when we feel like we’ve really rubbed our faces in it. Today was mine.
            I biked to Georgetown through mist. It wasn’t terrible, but it wasn’t safe either. Still, made CTK alright where I talked with their V.P.
            I stayed in Georgetown to help with Links2Kids afterschool program. It was only at the end of my stay I realized my problem.
           It was raining. Badly.
           I headed out, hoping for the best. I hadn’t gone a kilometre when I heard it.
           Riding a bike in a lightning storm. Great.
           It really was tough. It was hard to see with the rain blowing in my face. I was soaked from the downpour and the puddles I inevitably went through. Brutal.

            Ironically, when I got back to Acton it was sunny and relatively dry. Apparently it’d stopped raining some time before.
            I suppose it shows even the most dour beginnings can lead to successful ends. For my part, I was glad I was alive.
            Just another ride in Inspire Halton.

Thursday, 23 May 2013

It's Worse than You Thought

Thursday May 23rd 2013
Should get two rides in today. Head out later after dealing with some calls. More biking. I’d greased it up again because I was worried I hadn’t done a good enough job the day before. My worst fears seemed confirmed when I felt tired just starting out down the highway but things really eased up heading south. I then went onto 17th. The wind was pretty tough so I got off for a bit. Another fella was biking by and asked whether I was alright. Gotta love the people in this town. I said I was and he continued on unabashed. Goes to show you how much more fit some people are than I. Makes you feel humble.
            Eventually I continue going. Make it to Georgetown alright and, coincidentally, walk into an Inspiree who happened to be out. She took my picture and I headed back. The weather was beautiful. I thought I had it easy.
            Wrong. Really, damn wrong. When I started driving north I realized why it was so easy coming south. The wind was blowing me the whole way. And now it was repulsing me. A seed on the breeze. And I felt like it. It’s surprising I wasn’t blown into a ditch. And my muscles, like an fly trying to stop its swatter. It’s surprising I didn’t end up crawling back home. So tired and in so much pain.
            No second ride today. I’m going to sleep.
            For a while.

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Biking Blind

Wednesday May 22, 2013

More biking. Back to CTK. It was their community fair which was interesting, seeing other co-patriots in the community. I ate lunch with most of the same people who put on the Improvathon last Thursday. Biking back wasn’t bad.
            But I’m still behind. I went out and did my second trip later on. I left at 7 pm, giving me just enough time to do it before dark. The bike, surprisingly, was squeking up a storm. It wasn’t seizing up as much, but man did it sound like it was. I thought I was going to crash once or twice.
            I got into Georgetown about 8 pm (an hour trip one way, which is great time). But it was already getting dark. No time to lose.
            Just when I thought I’d be fine and make it, maybe five kilometres from home, clouds blocked out most of the last light. I really pushed it to get back on time. Man, it was close. Like biking blind.
            Only two more days and one trip to catch up on before I can take a break.

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

And She Seized Up

Tuesday, May 21st

Man it was hot today! I biked to Christ the King and back. Remember about my last biking experience in Inspire Halton? The weather was better but the bike was not. It was seizing up big time and needed oiling. Problem was I was over ten kilometres away from home when it got really bad. It’s lucky I didn’t end up walking home. I oiled it up when I finally did make it back. Can’t wait to compare the difference tomorrow.

Monday, 20 May 2013

What to Do When You Forget

Monday, May 20th

Though I walked most of today, it wasn’t measured properly so I won’t count it towards the total. I’ve got some catching up to do… Btw Happy Victoria Day!

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Anyone Can Make It

Sunday, May 19th

Eric and I headed to Acton. Today’s the day I started using crutches (I spent a long time on them when I was younger and wanted to prove that anyone could do Inspire Halton, no matter what excuses they may have). I was really concerned because the cuts I’d gotten on my hands after falling on the first Saturday still kept opening up. I wasn’t sure if I could take it.
We made slow progress. Eric interviewed me a couple times and took lots of good shots. We only went one way but at the end we got pizza which was fantastic. Overall, my hands fared well.
The challenge continues.

Saturday, 18 May 2013

The Greatest Challenge

Saturday, May 18th
In the pursuit of any venture, disaster strikes at least once. For me, it happened today.
I went to a sushi restaurant with friends in Georgetown. It was an all you can eat buffet and I ate far too much. Somehow I ate the excess food I’d ordered and left. My friends dropped me off at 10th Sideroad and Trafalgar road, a long way from where I usually end my run. But since I hadn’t run that day, I figured I go in a straight line from Georgetown to Guelph, a distance of only a little farther than a typical Inspire Halton day. I was inspired.
            That was until I started running. I used the washroom at Metro, perhaps a couple kilometres from my start, but was completely dead by the time I reached Christ the King, the midpoint of my run. I stopped in McDonalds, bought a drink and waited.
            I don’t know what I did but man I was in pain. I’d pulled something in my shoulders and no matter how I stretched or moved, I couldn’t fix it. Disheartened, I swear I was one decision away from making a phone call home and getting a ride back. Inspire Halton was nearly finished.
            But I promised to myself that I’d wait just a little longer. I fell asleep at my table. A couple drinks later, I felt fine.
            I left the restaurant, wondering what the time was. A large billboard answered my question: it was 12:01 am. It’d been four and half hours since my friends dropped me off and I’d gone no where.
            I headed back to Acton through Limehouse, and it was darn scary. Dark and some people were partying. I didn’t know if I’d make it back alive.
            Finally, I arrived at my house. I picked up dinner (guess what − more sushi) and continued on. The sun was beginning to rise.
            Eric, an Inspiree, was one of the people who’d dropped me off. I had to get to his house because he was meant to be taking pictures of me on Sunday. If I didn’t get there, he probably wouldn’t show up and a huge opportunity would’ve been missed.
            At 10 am, 14 ½ hours after I started (terribly time), I made it to Guelph. That was one of the closest shaves I’ve ever had. Holy cow.

Friday, 17 May 2013

Setbacks Occur

Friday, May 17th
No significant progress today, so I won’t list any.

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Friends Will Come to Your Aid

Thursday, May 16th

Kaitlyn, another Inspiree, helped run with me today. It was beautiful and sunny like yesterday. She bought me a water bottle much earlier than I would’ve picked one up which was great because I go the whole distance between Acton High and CTK without one which leaves me a bit dehydrated. We stopped in at CTK, toured the theatre and helped promote the Improvothon, which was today. 90% of the proceeds (or so) were going to Inspire Halton. Kaitlyn and I (but mainly Kaitlyn) hit up the caf and started giving out posters. Later, we took a picture with CTK’s Improv team. Kaitlyn had to get home early so she left before hand, but I stayed to speak at the Improv team’s pre-show. But there was a problem. I had hours to burn before the next show. Might as well run home, I thought. And though the run itself went well, I got home at 6:30 when I needed to  be at CTK at 6. Furthermore, I’d missed the bus I intended to take back. Thank God for Mothers.
The later show was completely fantastic. It was a blast being involved. What a fantastic group of young people. I can’t wait to be involved with CTK again in the future.

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

If You Really Want It...

Wednesday, May 15th

I started out running today like a rusted up 1907 Model T that’d been stored in a freezer chamber for fifty years. And that’s not good, in case you’re wondering. But I warmed up… so much I had to put my fleece over shirt around my waist. That’s the first time I’ve just worn a t-shirt in Inspire Halton. Once I arrived at CTK, things went well. Jennifer, Peggy (members of the Georgetown Hospital Foundation) and Harvey the Iguana showed up. It was fantastic seeing people’s faces while the hospital’s giant, green mascot shocked them. I can’t figure the people who forcefully ignored him as they tried to run away in fear of their lives.
            Running back started out fabulously. I dropped into GDHS, got my picture taken with some Inspirees and ran out into the middle of one of the busiest roads in town to rescue a recycling box. But, though the weather was beautiful, things got tough. The wind was so vicious it felt like a hand was pressing me back, like it was telling me, “if you really want to finish this run, you’re gonna have to earn it”. I did. Man, I was tired getting back. Still, more people called me out and recognised me running today than any other. Hard but worthwhile.

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Inspire Halton: Day 4, Tuesday May 14th

We had a table at CTK today which’ll continue for the rest of the sponsored run. A couple nice people from Acton High took my picture before I started out. But, in my haste (I was running late, not pun intended) I went much too hard. Had some fun explaining the event to students and teachers at Christ the King before heading back. It felt like it was going to rain all day, though it didn’t, and the wind really picked up on the way back. In my desire to get home, I started mentally torturing myself about how far was left. Then, I felt like I was going to pull ligaments in different parts of both legs at the same time. When I got back I was sore… really sore. We’re digging in now for the tough days to come. About a quarter way through. Way proud, still scared but willing to go into that fear with courage.

Total Kilometres: 120

Day 3
Day 2
Day 1

Monday, 13 May 2013

Inspire Halton: Day 3, Monday May 13th

What a beautiful change! Michaela, an Inspiree, took the picture of me at Acton High before I left. Nice weather, great day for a run. A GDHS couple took my photo outside of CTK. Running back wasn’t too hard. Wonderful.

But then I made up yesterday’s kilometres. On a bike. I learnt how to ride a bike nine months ago so I’m still a bit shaky. I actually think I could’ve run it easier than I could’ve biked it, even after running the full thirty kilometres before hand. And that says something.

I made CTK alright. A bit exhausted. But it’s all down hill from Acton to Georgetown, and it’s all uphill for the return journey. Coming back, holy cow… and going through Limehouse didn’t help. My legs and hands were shaking so much from fatigue I nearly capsized. I was riding at a walking pace back in Acton. It was brutal.

But, on the plus side, that’s probably the most kilometres per amount of time I’ve ever done: 60 km’s in 7 hours, including breaks. It worked out well, but I don’t plan on doing it again during the event.

Day 2
Day 1

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Inspire Halton: Day 2, Sunday May 12th

Talk about the weather deteriorating. Because of safety concerns, I’ll make up the kilometres tomorrow. What a Mother’s Day.

Day 1

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Just in case you were wondering...

Just in case you were wondering what certain terms in the post you were reading meant, here's a brief glossary of the places journeyed to and passed by during the Inspire Halton run.

CTK = Christ the King Secondary School
GDHS = Georgetown District High school
ADHS = Acton District High school
Acton = the smaller end of town
Highway 7 = our route. There’s ten kilometres between the two ends of town (Acton and Georgetown).
Georgetown = the larger end of town
Limehouse = a hamlet between Acton and Georgetown
Inspire Halton = a team, event and mindset.
Inspiree = a member of the Inspire Halton team but also anyone who helps it out.

Inspire Halton: Day 1, Saturday May 11th

A bit chillier than I thought it’d be. It took me a little while taking a picture of my foot to signify “the first step”. I was a bit sore at first but I loosened up after a bit. It was a nice day. I passed a fella walking on the side of seven. We got talking. Interesting chap. Had the whole, “went out west and made a fortune story”. We exchanged contact info. He’s the first fella to run with me in Inspire Halton. He kept making fun of me for being afraid of bears because he was from Northern Ontario and said they were harmless. Great guy. Then, I stopped by the Blue Fins’, a local swim team’s, charity event at CTK. They took a picture of me and wished me luck. A very nice lady also gave me a batch of cookies she made. Surprisingly, they still looked good after running 15km with them in hand. My legs are a bit stiff but things went well. Great start.


Friday, 3 May 2013

Not If, But How


Helloo0O Ladies and Gentlemen!

Welcome back to the Inspire Halton Update feed, where we send you awesome stories to help you and those you love. Today, we're going to talk about initiative.

This year, with all the teacher’s union/government struggles in Ontario, all extra-curriculars were shut down in public schools. Oftentimes, annual events like Holiday Concerts were scrapped in the collateral damage.

It happened at my alma matre, Acton High school, when their play, amongst other things, was shut down. It was made worse because their drama teacher of a decade had been diagnosed with cancer months previous and wasn't on hand to argue the verdict. Also, the long term supply brought in to cover her was only meant to be around for one semester at first when the play takes two semesters to produce so she couldn’t help much.

No extracurriculars, no teacher, no play.

Well, that's what outsiders had in mind. But the students thought something different. There was some talk about what the play would be. Sherlock, a rendition of the famous detective Sherlock Holmes, was eventually chosen (thankfully − it’s a lot easier to clothe and build sets for Sherlock than Dracula, another play choice). Damian Ewing, the Grade 12 Acton student playing lead in this year’s production, tells how the drama kids were committed, even “zealous”, in their pursuit of making the play a reality: “There was no question. It wasn’t if, just how. How are we going to do this play?” The school had to get the rights to the script, but after then it all fell to the students. Damian tells how “everyone wanted to do their best and step up”. He even originally offered to direct. But Megan Parr, another grade 12 student with past experience as a stage-manager, took that role. “One person was going to do that − there was going to be no arguing. [She’d] do a good job and [we’d] push forward like in previous times” says Damian.

Meghan; Aidan Hammond, a graduate and current Creative Director for The Failed Magician's League; the current long-term supply drama teacher and a past director all sat in on auditions. “It was all official, not amateur. All completely professional. We had high hopes”.

When the teacher’s union/government job actions ended the past month or so, five months (essentially a full school semester) after when they started, the play was on schedule. It’ll still be put on in the same month it would've been had things gone the same as in past years. Though teachers are on board again now, it wouldn’t have been possible to produce the play in as organized and sensible a manner as it’s been without the student's initiative.

“It’s on May 1st, 2nd and 3rd so the 4th can still be with you,” says Damian, chuckling at his catch phrase.

Many times people push off responsibilities, not wanting to do the work necessary to achieve great results. Without Megan and the crew's initiative, there's the chance that the play might not have gone on this year. It certainly would've been much more rushed and less polished.

To see the things you want done well in the world, it's up to you to put the effort behind them to get them that way. Sure, it'd be more fair if associates would pull their load, if they didn't blame others and hurt their plan in the same breath. But life is far from fair and people sometimes never do the logical thing. We are emotional beings, too, and sometimes it's easier to play into a mood of laziness and comfort in the present than one of uncertainty in the future.

But to do the heavy lifting, to get the real results, you've gotta be like Megan and Damian – you've gotta have initiative and be strong in your convictions to improve the world. Then, and only then, will you really shake the bells in your favour.

The last night of the play is tonight. Acton High school, tickets $10. Doors open at 6:30pm.

Can’t wait to see you there.

Alex H.

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